Monday, January 3, 2011

Ellie is so sad that Christmas is over!

Yesterday was my day to hunker down and get rid of Christmas! Those of you who know me, know that my Holiday decor takes OVER my home! It took hours to complete. I had to take down several nativities, many years of santa pictures, a million ornaments and not to mention a life size singing and dancing Santa (that was a Brian purchase). The kids were very helpful and did not mind putting each precious piece of Christmas away. That is until Brian carried the last box outside and Ellie figured it all out. She began to cry....not her usual fake wail. I mean real sorrowful tears. She asked me " you mean Christmas is over"? I was shocked at her reaction. She said to me matter of fact "you need to put the tree back, i like my tree and what if Santa comes tonight"? I tried to explain and calm her down. I told her that Christmas was over for this year but it would come again. She seemed to be ok with the idea until we later went to the bank an passed a store with a Christmas tree still in the window. She said " see mommy they still have Christmas". Oh my Ellie girl you will have many more Christmases to come. I love your enthusiasm!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Yesterday Junah told me it was Christmas Eve for Big Red (her dinosaur) and we needed to get presents and wrap them. I have undecorate our tree, athough Ezra has more ornaments on the bottom half!
    Love you & all your Es!
