Monday, January 10, 2011

Ethan finally lost his tooth!

My little man is front toothless! He has been working on this tooth for over 3 weeks. It was getting a bit gross to look at. It was hanging by a thread. Food would get stuck between the gum and his tooth. It would literally wiggle while he was talking. I cannot stand the process of loosing teeth. It is so awful. He looks adorable and kinda whistles while he talks. He lost it finally in a rough pillow fight at a sleep over. He got to sleep over at his buddy Gavins house on Saturday night. He was so excited to go. 4 boys up all night with no school in the morning. We dropped him off at about 4:30 and were getting ready for bed(i was ready for bed, poor Brian ready for work) when Brian got a text and picture. It was Ethans sweet face minus one more front tooth! Oh no! We were not prepared for a lost tooth at a sleep over. Gavins parents were awesome and said they would cover the heafty fine of a front tooth, and that the fairy would find Ethan in other than his own home:) He was more than excited to see me in the morning and tell me it had been knocked out during a game of Dead Man, Dead Man. I did not know of this game, but Emma & Ethan quickly informed me that "We play it at every birthday party in the jumpy. Well apparently whomever the Dead Man is asked to rise they are beat back down. When Ethans turn to be Dead Man came around, his tooth was knocked out of him. This must not have taken much because of the condition of the tooth. I guess the tooth did fly. The boys found it and Ethan was elated! I am greatful for the slumber party for many reasons 1. Ethan got to play with lots of boys. 2. He was in great care and had a great time. 3.Last but not least......The stubborn tooth that was roughhoused out of his sweet mouth!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ellie is so sad that Christmas is over!

Yesterday was my day to hunker down and get rid of Christmas! Those of you who know me, know that my Holiday decor takes OVER my home! It took hours to complete. I had to take down several nativities, many years of santa pictures, a million ornaments and not to mention a life size singing and dancing Santa (that was a Brian purchase). The kids were very helpful and did not mind putting each precious piece of Christmas away. That is until Brian carried the last box outside and Ellie figured it all out. She began to cry....not her usual fake wail. I mean real sorrowful tears. She asked me " you mean Christmas is over"? I was shocked at her reaction. She said to me matter of fact "you need to put the tree back, i like my tree and what if Santa comes tonight"? I tried to explain and calm her down. I told her that Christmas was over for this year but it would come again. She seemed to be ok with the idea until we later went to the bank an passed a store with a Christmas tree still in the window. She said " see mommy they still have Christmas". Oh my Ellie girl you will have many more Christmases to come. I love your enthusiasm!

Christmas Morning

We absolutely love Christmas in our house. As the song goes it is "the most wonderful time of the year". This year was so incredible. We had the best Christmas ever. The kids had asked for great gifts this year. The girls wanted a doll house and boy did Santa deliver, and Ethan wanted a Train/ lego table. He also must have been a good boy. The morning started off with Emma waking up all of the kids to invade our room at a bright and early 5:30 AM! We had a hard time opening our eyes due to the late bed time of 2AM, The kids were sure the big man had come and were anxious to see what gifts awaited them. We do not let them just rush downstairs of course, we must torture them a bit! What fun would Christmas be without a little anticipation, As per a old Cyman tradition(my side of the family),the head of the family must venture out downstairs and make sure jolly Old St. Nick came and left the loot. While daddy is downstairs he also makes coffee, gets the video camera ready, and greets my parents who are waiting on pins & needles. The kids will patiently wait to hear a certain song to be played by dad to cue them that all is ready downstairs in Christmas Heaven! The song they wait for is The Christmas Song sang  by Nat King if another version would do. Once the song is played the kids rush down the stairs to see the glory that awaits them. This year Evelyn was not sure about being up so early and did not quite sure what was going on. Emma & Ethan(veterans of Christmas at age 9 & 6) were ready to see just how Naughty or Nice they had been. Ellison was giggling from pure Holiday exhilaration. I think of all the excited people, I myself was the most excited. Its as though you relive childhood magic through new eyes...those of your children, but now it is even better. I annually tear up at the looks on the faces of my angels, of which my husband and parents find great joy . The kids were so happy and we all slowly opened our gifts this year. It took us 2 1/2  to open our gifts because we enjoyed each gift. It was all worth the mess,worry and cost this year. We are blessed to have these 4 sweet children to celebrate with. They are amazing and precious and each year is better than the on before. We only have one problem...where to put all the wonderful gifts that the E babies were given.